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Being unsteady on your feet can be worrying especially if you have already had a fall in the past. It can really rattle your confidence! 

Have you had your medications reviewed recently? All medications have side effects and some can make you feel woozy or dizzy. You may not be able to stop them (pros vs cons), but you may be able to try another brand or a different dosage. Ask your GP for a "HMR" or Home Medicines Review. A pharmacist will come to your home for free and together you can work out what medications you might need to change. 

Have you had your eyes checked recently? Wearing the correct glasses and ensuring your eyes are healthy helps you to move around safely. It is recommended to have your eyes checked at least every 2 years. 

Do you keep active each day? A small amount of physical activity each day improves your muscle strength and balance which prevents falls. Consider an exercise group which includes balance and muscle strengthening such as Tai Chi or chair exercises. There is a social bonus as well! 

Are your shoes suitable? We all prefer our slippers, but they aren't the best choice when it comes to keeping you safe! Your shoe choice should have a firm, low, wide heel and laces, buckles or Velcro. Don't forget to tell your GP if you notice any swelling, sores, pain or numbness! 

With thanks to our new partners

Paradise Medical Centre
Oakden Medical Centre