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Girl sitting on school steps

Not all children get an equal start in life.

Today, one in six Australian children and young people are living in poverty, where even life's basics are hard to come by. 

When families are experiencing financial disadvantage children can fall behind with their learning, leaving them more vulnerable to experiencing hardship themselves later in the life. 

Research shows children and young people living in disadvantage have access to fewer books and learning materials in the home. Access to support and resources forms the foundation for learning. In many cases, the parents of disadvantaged children may not have the skills or experience to support their child’s education. As these children get older, they have fewer role models, and access to mentors and networks that are critical for creating educational opportunities to help them build their aspirations and be motivated to learn.


Both Paradise Medical Centre - (Formally Known as Windsor Village Medical Centre) and Oakden Medical Centres will be making a donation to The Smith Family this month to help a local child get the most from their education. If you are fortunate enough to help by making a small donation, there will be collection containers at reception. 

With thanks to our new partners

Paradise Medical Centre
Oakden Medical Centre