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What is a breast screen?


A breast screen is a screening mammogram (breast X-ray) that takes at least two images of each breast – one form the top and one from the side. It is currently the most effective screening test for breast cancer.

Breast screening is recommended for women aged 50 to 74 who have no symptoms of breast cancer.

Women aged 40 to 49 and over 75 years can also make an appointment for a free breast screen, but are encouraged to speak with their doctor when deciding if breast screening is right for them.

Women with a strong family history of breast cancer may be eligible for an annual breast screen from the age of 40.

Screening mammography is not an effective screening test for women under the age of 40. Younger breast tissue can appear 'dense' or white on a screening mammogram, making it less effective at showing small cancers. While breast cancer can develop at any age, it is much less frequent in women under the age of 40.

All women are encouraged to be breast aware and to see their doctor if they notice a change in their breast that is not normal for them.

Breast screening is free service, and an appointment can take as little as 10 minutes.

To make an appointment or to find out more, call BreastScreen SA on 132050 or email [email protected].


With thanks to our new partners

Paradise Medical Centre
Oakden Medical Centre