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☆☆ There are over 90 different types of "streptococcus pneumoniae", a contagious, infectious bacteria which is transmitted via respiratory droplets and colonises in the nasopharyngeal system.☆☆ 

In simpler terms, a cough or a sneeze moves this bacteria through the air where it is breathed in by someone else and grows. 

Pneumococci is known to cause debilitating illnesses such as sinusitis, ear infections, septicaemia, pneumonia and meningitis. 

Currently there are 2 immunisations on the Australian schedule
•• Prevenar 13 is on the childhood immunisation schedule and covers 13 different strains from the age of 6 weeks
•• Pneumovax 23 is recommended for all adults aged 65 and over and covers 23 different strains

Speak to your GP today and make sure you are covered from this deadly bacteria! 

#doctor_wvmc #education #vaccinations #pneumococci #deadlydiseases #immunisation #childhoodimms #coveryourself

With thanks to our new partners

Paradise Medical Centre
Oakden Medical Centre